In the not-so-distant past, the success of events was measured by the number of attendees. It meant having sold-out tickets, venues completely filled out at capacity, and even waiting lines for people who wanted to get in. The “new normal,” however, will spell out a different tune to how events are going to be held in Sydney in order to maintain safety precautions because of COVID-19.

Things have been understandably quiet here at for the past few months. But as we quickly approach summer season and the liftings of several restrictions across Australia, we’re buzzing with excitement to once again cater to your Sydney indoor or outdoor events — with COVID-19 safety measures put in place, of course.
When you think of summertime in Sydney, you imagine having being either by the beach or on a spacious lawn laying around with your friends and family under the warm summer sun. It’s kind of crazy to think that this almost wasn’t even a possibility when COVID hit but thankfully enough, we’re almost in the clear and ready to live our so-called “new normal.”

Sydney Events Bound to Kick-Off for Summer Under the “New Normal”
As of this month, there have been several restrictions lifted when it comes to outdoor public gatherings in New South Wales. Some of the most relevant changes in restrictions include the following*:
- Music performances and rehearsals can be held outdoors with a maximum of 500 people if the person principally responsible for organising the rehearsal or performance develops and complies with a COVID-19 Safety Plan.
- Under the public health order, an entertainment facility means a theatre cinema, music hall, concert hall, dance hall and the like, but does not include a pub or registered club. Such facilities must have a COVID-19 Safety Plan and can sell tickets for seated events at 50% capacity — to a maximum of 1000 tickets — or they can use the 4 square metre rule to calculate capacity with no maximum number of people.
- From December 1, the number of people who can attend a wedding will increase to 300 people from Tuesday 1 December 2020, subject to the 4 square metre rule indoors and 2 square metre rule for outdoors.

With these in place, we’re bound to see a sure increase in outdoor events once again, especially when summertime and warmer temps hit the city. While it may not be exactly how it was pre-COVID times, it certainly still will prove to be an exciting time to simply be outdoors and be in the company of family and friends once again — especially with the holidays just around the corner!
Bean Bag Hire COVID-19 Safety Measures
Here at beanbaghire, our aim is to provide topnotch comfort for your events with our designer bean bags, while also keeping our patrons safe through proper COVID-19 protocols.
For starters, we have now put a disinfection system in place for all of our bean bags for hire before and after use. We only charge a very minimal fee for thorough disinfection of each and every piece we have. There’s no reason to worry about this fee ‘cause this hardly puts a dent on your event budget, trust us. On top of that, you’ll also have nothing to worry about when it comes to the safety of your guests and staff as well.

In line with the NSW government’s requirements for events, we will only also choose to work with organisers and companies that have an approved COVID-19 Safety Plan. We would also ensure that those renting out our bean bags are accommodating only the approved number of attendees given the size of the venue. Ensuring the public of their health and safety requires involvement from all parties involved and we believe that putting these efforts in place can help in making Sydney a safe place to hold events once again.
Want to know more? Check out our range of available designer bean bags for hire that you can rent for your next event! For other inquiries or concerns, simply reach out to us by calling 1300 707 121 or by shooting us an email at
*Information gathered from the following sites:
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