Studio Lounger by Ambient Lounge. From $9-19 per day.
Twin Satellite Sofa by Ambient Lounge. From $13-29 per day.
Bayer New App Launch event by Bayer Australia

When: 6 February 2017

Where: Novotel Manly NSW

Event Happenings: Approx. 170 people attended, 28 x mixed bean bags to create an ‘outdoor cinema look’ with artificial grass & popcorn machine

Products in photo

1 Studio Lounger

2 Twin Satellite Sofa

We used your company to theme a launch of an app for our event at conference in February. Bayer were very happy with the quality of the bean bags in which as a result were a highlight of the room. The bean bags created the "relaxing" environment in which we were hoping to achieve. We had about 40 people in each of the 5 groups in which came in the room throughout the day. The "Outdoor Cinema" look was successful with the popcorn machine, artificial grass and the bean bags completed this look.

Allana CantyTerritory Mngr, Bayer Australia